Customise Wall Mural or wall stickers

Wall Mural or wall stickers​ for your wall decorations  and home improvement needs.

Wall murals or wall stickers can be customized to fit the wall that you are planning to have it on.  Gone are the old days when you need to hire a painter to do murals.

These giant stickers are now part of home decor in some house holds, as they are more practical, easy to install and maintain. In 3 to 5 days or less you can have your own wall mural delivered anywhere in the Philippines.

Durability of stickers

These wall mural decals are solvent based so they dont fade in a shorter time. Whether its positioned in direct sunlight or wherever the aircon mist passes by its guaranteed to last for 5 years indoor regardless of any mix of wall mural designs.

For outdoor sticker application like building wrap, mall facade sticker wrap, glass panel of a building the durability would be lesser, give it like 3 years. This is when the sticker starts to fade but not totally fading at 100%, its conservative at 5% then year after and so on.

Their are certain requirements in which clients would like to have shorter usage of the sticker, which is mainly used on events, birthday and other not so commercial use.

For this type of need, we have China based brands for short term use, given its for short term expect that after 6 months, the sticker may start to shrink or crease in its original position.

These types of China brands are also cost effective, as they are almost 20-40% cheaper than the branded stickers.

Any idea can be executed for wall stickers as long as they are high resolution and printer ready. Cost for this sticker vary from size to size and can be mixed with other stickers as well

Supported files

Our wall sticker printer machine supports the universal image format such as .tif and jpg. At times when the requirement are not meticulous, JPG has been the go to format. Other than being light and widely known as an image, its also easy to produce.

Whatever software you use, as long as its JPG whether its optimized, standard or progressive the sticker printer will still output it as it is. CMYK is the required color space as this is the color mode that the machine accepts, this is easy to produce in Photoshop given its widely used. But its tricky on some apps like Microsoft Word, Powerpoint or Canva as they are default to RGB.

What you need to do

Prepare your file in CMYK color space and 72 dpi.

Design your file in actual size, plus 1-2 inches bleed.

If you have a design that you would like to copy or at least get an inspiration from, send us the image, a quick Google image search would do the trick 🙂

Its always a good practice to confirm if the sticker needs to be permanent or just temporary.

Our process

For us to process the printing of your stickers, our process are as follows:

1.) Conforme, signed and scanned back. This is like also a P.O or Purchase order on some companies

2.) For first time clients, we will be needing downpayment of 50% but for repeating we can do cash on delivery (COD) or terms. We can also do terms and this would also depend on the amount of total gross project.

3.) Proofing (optional) we send a small size actual crop size of your requirement. No matter how huge your design is. This will help you to check if the color that you are eyeing matches on the actual print out.

Again, this is optional as some clients wouldn’t mind the color shifting issues. A good example would be a ripe Apple fruit, this fruit may look like red in the clients monitor, but might look pale on our end.

Same with logos, a lime green may output a dark green. Their would be times that this proofing process takes some time that we wont be able to meet target deadline.

Types of stickers:

Glass wall sticker – this can be frosted, printed vinyl sticker which gives opaque effect.

Transparent wall sticker – Cut size letters or vinyl against glass. Perfect for labeling rooms or departments.  For some clients they needed this wall art in glass to preserve transparency

Metallic gold wall decals – Printers can not output gold so this is mostly cut out decal sticker. Best for repeating designs and giant wall sticker label.

Inspirational quotes sticker or quotes decals – If you are planning to get an early motivation, nothing can be more appealing than big decal texts in your bedroom. We can output as 4 ft for width and almost infinite on the length. Inspirational quotes can also be used your kids room, kitchen, dining, inside vehicle or almost everywhere as long as the surface is flat.

Wall art sticker – Commonly referred as mixed media.  This is a combination of a digital print and vinyl cut size stickers.  A good example is holographic sticker on top of digitally printed sticker.

Personalizing a wall sticker can be confusing at times so its best if you can send us your sample or a quick Google search may give you an idea about your project.

Brand of stickers

Much debate has been brought to what type of stickers can be used for decal sticker making. For one 3M, has been the household name for stickers but lets not forget that this industry is prone to counterfeit. We used 3M but stopped a long time ago.

We have tried other brands like Avery and Mactac as they provide support too. Whichever brand you choose, always remember that air bubbles are normal but a good sticker installer can lessen or maybe even remove it for good.

Common questions about wall stickers

Can we remove wall stickers? Of course! we make sure that our wall decals are easy to remove leaving no residue at all!

How do you remove wall art stickers?

Its simple as lifting the edges with your hand.  Or you have the option of using scalpel for the edges then lift the stickers diagonally.

How do you put wall stickers

Stickers are complex to install especially with this large format type.  In some instances our skilled installers wont be available to install in your area, We send a youtube video on how to do it on your own. A cheap squeegee or a flattener is a good tool to minimize the air bubbles, which shows if some areas are not flat.

Are wall stickers usable? 

Most of these stickers are not usable, once you peeled them off then it is as good as trash. Although we have usable stickers on some of our sticker variants, we print on them if its really needed.  Is it best to ask for us or any supplier if you are planning to have a temporary or permanent wall decorations.

What type of paint is needed for the wall

Of all paints, the best type of paint that you can use is non elastomeric by Boysen and Davies

Wall stickers are now part of modern home décor and home improvement. From inspirational quotes to glass wall stickers, nothing is limited when it terms of creativity.

Contact us for a free consultation.